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Female holding her breast with both hands wearing a beige bra

Recovery can be a nerve-wracking part of any surgical procedure. Dr. Knowling understands that breast reduction patients may be nervous about what recovery entails and how to prepare for this necessary period. This blog provides a detailed recovery guide that discusses what to expect when coming home from surgery, how long the recovery timeline is, and general recovery tips.

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Breast Reduction Recovery

It can be exciting to look forward to seeing breast reduction results and feeling the relief of lighter breasts. However, before these results can be enjoyed to the fullest extent, the body must be given time to fully recover. Preparing for recovery is essential, as a smooth healing experience allows patients to enjoy their results as soon as possible.

What to Expect at Home After Breast Reduction Surgery

When patients come home from breast reduction surgery, they will need to spend lots of time resting so their bodies can heal. Patients can expect a limited range of motion in their arms, so they shouldn’t be lifting their arms or carrying heavy objects. Due to this limitation, putting shirts on that need to go over the head may be difficult. It is recommended that breast reduction patients wear shirts that can button or zip up so they don’t need to strain their arms. Patients should carefully follow all of Dr. Knowling’s aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery period.

What Is the Breast Reduction Recovery Timeline?

Many patients want a short recovery period so they can go back to their everyday activities and routines as soon as possible. Yet it is essential not to rush through recovery and to allow ample healing time for the body. Every woman’s body will heal at a different rate, but most breast reduction patients will go through the following general recovery stages:


  • First 24 Hours After Surgery: Patients can expect to feel some pain and discomfort once the anesthesia wears off. It will likely be difficult to see any results at this point due to the significant swelling of the breasts. Patients should arrange for someone to drive them home from surgery and have someone stay with them for the first day to ensure their body is healing according to plan. Avoid lifting the arms and doing any activities that require bending or may strain the body. To avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the breasts, patients will be instructed to sleep on their backs at an inclined angle. A compression bra will need to be worn during this time and likely for the duration of recovery.
  • First Week: Swelling and bruising can be expected during the first week of recovery, and pain medications may be prescribed to manage discomfort. Physical activity will need to be strongly limited; however, patients should get out of bed and walk around the house to promote blood circulation.
  • First Few Weeks: Patients will continue to wear their compression bra and be gentle with their breasts. As healing progresses, patients may be able to slowly increase physical activity if they are cleared by their surgeon.
  • Sixth Week and Beyond: At the sixth week, many patients will have completed the general recovery stages. Most patients are cleared to resume their normal routines, including strenuous exercise.

Tips for Recovering From Breast Reduction

Preparing is one of the best ways to ensure a smooth recovery process. Other recovery tips can include:

  • Picking up pain medications ahead of time
  • Meal prepping nutritious foods at home
  • Purchasing or finding clothes that button or zip up in the front
  • Buying a wedge pillow or stacking multiple pillows to sleep at an elevated angle
  • Preparing the bedroom/space at home so the necessary items are within close reach

Want to Know More About Breast Reduction in Huntsville, AL?

To learn more about breast reduction surgery in Huntsville, AL, and the recovery process, call us at (256) 881-2220 or fill out our online contact form.